viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

PHARMA: Cómo ganan...los que más ganan./BioWorld Executive Compensation Report 2013

BioWorld Executive Compensation Report 2013 (ver):Trends in C-Level Salaries and Benefits in the Biotech Market presents trend data on 798 C-level executives representing 258 companies.

This year, ECR’s scope has gone international for the first time, having been expanded to include 87 executives representing 55 non-U.S. companies. 

Providing a generous salary and large compensation package to an executive officer is no guarantee of success, but the lack of success is not a cut-and-dried ticket to termination in this market either.
No one expects an executive to make a drug overnight, so although the expectations, pressure and risks are high, companies are willing to pay large salaries and concede extended time to collect those salaries, given the lengthy concept-to-market model that defines the biotechnology drug development schedule.(...)

No matter how high the annual salaries listed here are – led by Amgen Inc. CEO Kevin Sharer’s total of $1.7 million – they usually defer in comparison to the billions that a drug like Amgen’s Enbrel can generate in one year or the $140 billion in revenue Amgen made during Sharer’s 12-year C-suite tenure.
Some of the executives on the list have business experience and credentials, while others come from a scientific background. Many of them have overseen the approval of drug candidates into products. None of them are likely to bring the average drug R&D schedule to less than six years from concept to approval; however, all of them are expected to perform the phenomenon of turning large molecules into big bucks. (...)

Similar data comprises the 120-member Millionaires Club, in which there are only four women, led by Kimberly Popovits, Genomic Health Inc., at number 52 ,drawing $2.3 million in total realized direct compensation. 
Women had better representation in the CFO position, with two women in the top five spots. Jacqualyn Fouse, Celgene Corp. ($1.3M) at number two, and Robin Washington, Gilead Sciences, Inc. ($1.2M), at number four led the list of 15 women comprising 10 percent of the CFO list.

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