jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Fuerza de Ventas: Hombres por...máquinas.(II)

Printing thousands of glossy product brochures and shipping them all over the nation was costing Maquet Medical Systems USA about $1.8 million a year. 

The company needed to get details about its surgically-implanted medical devices out to doctors and medical facilities, but the costs had to come down, said Philip Freed, vice president of marketing for Maquet since 2009. 

"I noticed we were losing a lot of money and not tracking ROI," said Freed.

The first step to cutting those costs was to find ways to improve the transmission of information to the doctors who needed to know about the devices, said Freed. For that, Maquet looked first at the BlackBerry devices being used by its sales people to communicate with customers and corporate headquarters. 
The BlackBerry devices were great for corporate email, but they couldn't provide some of the features needed by Maquet sales people in the field, such as the ability to display on-the-fly video presentations to always-rushed doctors during brief sales calls.

"We started looking at surveys which showed that most health care technicians had already moved to iPhones, so we wanted to use what they use," said Freed. So in 2009, Maquet began to switch more than 500 users from BlackBerry devices over to iPhones. Two years later, those same sales people were given iPads for their work. (Más)

Ver anterior:
Fuerza de Ventas: Hombres por...máquinas.(I)

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