miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Pharma Market 2016 o de la consolidación de la "emergencia" de los emergentes.

Emerging markets will nearly double their spending on medicine over the next five years from $194bn in 2011 to $345-375bn in 2016, say healthcare analysts at IMS Health in a report on Thursday.
The Global use of Medicines: Outlook through 2016, says the expected rise comes from a combination of increasing income levels, the increased affordability of medicines and the roll-out of government healthcare programmes for poorer patients.
Even so, despite having two thirds of the world’s population, emerging markets will consume only around a third of the worlds’ medicine. So, for pharma groups, there will still be plenty of growth to come.

But, the increase would be significant and shows the growing economic influence of emerging market consumers. Emerging markets are predicted to rise from 20 per cent of total global spending to 30 per cent, accounting for around two thirds of the total global increase in spending over these years.

One of the key points made in the report is that the major growth area will be in generic rather than branded medicines. Generics are forecast to rise from 57 per cent of the total spend on medicines in emerging markets in 2011 to 65 per cent in 2016, while branded products shrink from 30 to 24 per cent of the market. (Más)

Ver también:

Pharma Sales: En el 2016...$1.2 Trillion. (IMS Mkt.Prognosis)

EvaluatePharma: NOVARTIS Top 1º sales league 2018...$51.3 billion.(I): El pasado también cuenta...

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