martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

¡¡¡Extra, Extra...!!!: NOVARTIS dá marcha atrás con los 78.000.000 $ de Vasella.

Pudieron más las presiones...

The pressure from shareholders, politicians and business was strong and has obviously made Mr Vasella revisit the topic. 

From our perspective though, it would have been better if he had never accepted the payment in the first place,”

 Aunque "caminos verdes" siempre quedan para un "bypass"...

 Ulrich Lehner, vice-chairman of Novartis, said in a statement on Tuesday: “The board and Dr Vasella agreed to cancel the non-compete agreement and to forgo all compensation linked to his non-compete.

 “We continue to believe in the value of a non-compete. However, we believe the decision to cancel the agreement and all related compensation addresses the concerns of shareholders and other stakeholders. The board understands the importance of full transparency and will strengthen its efforts in this regard.” 

 Mr Vasella said: “I have understood that many people in Switzerland find the amount of the compensation linked to the non-compete agreement unreasonably high, despite the fact I had announced my intention to make the net amount available for philanthropic activities. 

 “That is why I have recommended to the board that I forgo all payments linked to the non-compete agreement.” 

 Ursula Fraefel, from the Swiss business lobby Economiesuisse, which is campaigning against the tighter curbs on executive pay on which Switzerland will vote on March 3 said that she “welcomed” the decision. (...)

 Brigitta Moser-Harder, an activist shareholder who, together with the entrepreneur Thomas Minder came up with the measures at issue in next week’s referendum, said Novartis had “no other choice” but to cancel the payment with shareholder anger mounting ahead of its annual general meeting on Friday. (Más)

Ver también:

SUIZA: Al borde del abismo (salarial) del 3 de marzo Vasella se va con 72 millones de Sfr.

 Plakat-Aktion: Vasellas goldenen Fallschirm kappen (imagen)

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