miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

Ahora, además..., PHARMACOSERÍAS viene con PR Newswire "incorporado"...

Como "valor añadido" más para nuestros lectores PHARMACOSERÍAS ha establecido una alianza con PR Newswire (lider mundial en la distribución de comunicados de prensa) que incorpora en su web un servicio de noticias (en tiempo real) sobre  salud y sector farmacéutico. 
De su lado  PR Newswire añade PHARMACOSERÍAS a su lista de destinatarios de comunicados y a los informes que constantemente genera y envia a sus clientes e instituciones al más alto nivel en España y el mundo.

PR Newswire started out in 1954 as a vendor hired by companies and agencies to send out text press releases to the media. Today, PR Newswire is hired by corporations, public relations firms and non-governmental organizations to deliver news and multimedia content. Recipients include the media, consumers and investors who access the content via the Web, RSS, e-mail, satellite, equities terminals (such as Bloomberg and Reuters), and direct feeds into newsroom editorial systems. The headquarters are in Lower Manhattan, New York City.


Public corporations in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and other nations, use PR Newswire as a method of reaching the investment and financial news community with important news and announcements, thus achieving the standard of "simultaneous disclosure" required by financial markets and regulatory agencies. (Más)

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