miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

GSK Vs NOVARTIS: Guerra de las vacunas: La que se avecina...

Novartis, the Swiss drugs giant, has launched a legal action against Glaxo Smith Kline claiming that its larger rival is infringing one of its patents.

The move, which will be fiercely resisted by the British company, is the latest twist in a bitter dispute that centres on the techniques used to produce a set of vaccines aimed at preventing childhood illnesses, including bacterial meningitis.

It is unusual for the large drugs companies to sue each other, but the case underscores the importance to all drug developers of protecting their intellectual property — their key asset. Vaccines in particular are becoming a growth area for the big pharma companies.


Last year, lawyers for Glaxo kicked off proceedings in London and Belgium to try to get the Novartis patent revoked. A source familiar with the case claimed that the Novartis patent was “weak” and “should never have been granted”. A hearing is scheduled for next January.

Daniel Vasella, the Novartis chief executive, is attempting to resist the move by Glaxo by launching an action in the High Court. The firm has lodged a claim against two Glaxo subsidiaries, GSK Biologicals and Smithkline Beecham.


Vaccines are becoming increasingly important to the world’s big pharma companies as they attempt to steer their businesses away from a reliance on blockbuster pills.

Glaxo, in particular, has played up its presence in the field as it defended itself recently against charges of profiteering from its planned H1N1, or swine flu, vaccine.

In an interview with The Sunday Times three weeks ago, Witty claimed that his company had spent longer than any of its rivals working on the development of vaccines, helping to give it a head start in the battle against swine flu, and that shareholders, therefore, had a right to expect a return from that investment.


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