lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

GENERICOS: A que la marca si es importante? (I) PFIZER

This is what it’s come to: Pfizer, the flagship of the American brand-name drug industry, is moving into generics in a big way.

Yes, the company’s Greenstone unit has quietly been turning out generic versions of some of Pfizer’s own off-patent products for a while. But now the company wants to be a bigger player in the rough-and-tumble, low-margins generics business — and plans to start selling generic versions of competitors’ off-patent drugs, Dow Jones Newswires reports.

“We were kind of looking at the off-patent market like ‘OK, it’s horrible and margins are low,’ ” David Simmons, a Pfizer exec, told DJ Newswires, describing the company’s traditional attitude toward the sector.


El 28 de julio empezamos a sembrar la duda.

Ahora empezamos a hacernos preguntas...Se la hacemos a Jesús Acebillo, de nuevo al frente de FARMAINDUSTRIA.

O sabrá respondernos mejor si le preguntamos por Sandoz y Novartis?



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