lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008


Según datos de la multinacional IMS HEALTH las ventas de productos oncológicos crecerán, en los próximos 3 años, el doble que el resto de fármacos.

Los motivos de este ascenso son fundamentalmente tres:

-Los anticancerosos-dirigidos a dianas moleculares específicas-son cada vez mas caros

-Hay millones de pacientes en tratamiento con quimioterapia que viven mas años

-Los pacientes de economías emergentes pueden acceder a estos fármacos con mas facilidad

Se calcula que , solo este año, dichos productos contribuirán con un 17% al crecimiento de las ventas globales.

A pesar de que de aquí a 2012 lleguen al mercado entre 25 y 30 nuevas moléculas de este tipo los analistas creen que algunos factores, como la caducidad de ciertas patentes, contribuirán a moderar la tendencia.

May 15, 2008
Oncology drug sales to reach as much as $80 billion by 2012, report
by Alison Fischer

Worldwide sales of oncology drugs are expected to grow nearly double the forecasted growth rate of the global pharmaceutical market, reaching as much as $80 billion by 2012, according to a report released Thursday by IMS Health.

Among other factors, the report specified that growth will be boosted by increased use of targeted therapeutics, as well as up to 30 new cancer treatments entering the market between 2008 and 2012. Other contributors to growth cited in the report include an increasing number of patients taking chemotherapy in Europe, Japan and North America, and enhanced access to targeted therapies for patients in emerging markets.

Sales of oncology drugs will grow at a compound annual rate of 12 percent to 15 percent over the next four years, IMS Health stated, with cancer treatment sales expected to exceed $48 billion in 2008, making up nearly 17 percent of global pharmaceutical revenue growth.

"Oncology is the top of the bill when it comes to new products in development. Oncology R&D dwarfs all other research efforts within these organizations," commented Titus Plattel, an IMS vice president. Nonetheless, the report suggested that sales growth will "moderate over the next five years, reflecting financial constraints of payers, tapering growth of current blockbusters, fewer new blockbuster medications and the loss of exclusivity of four oncology drugs with annual sales exceeding $1 billion."

Sanofi-aventis' Taxotere, Eli Lilly's Gemzar and AstraZeneca's Arimidex are some of the drugs expected to lose patent exclusivity in the coming years.

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